Thursday, April 2, 2009

If I were a STOCK...

I was recently chatting a friend of mine..and we were discussing the gradual increase in my weight since 8 years :)

A brief intro about this Interesting yet Weird person..Letz call him Mr.X - He is a total business freak...He breathes shares, stocks, stock exchanges!! His world is Capital Market!! He acts as if hez born to rule the Business Universe!! Well, on a serious note ..this guy is an expert on the stock market/ capital market front..he knows a lot more than what people of his age would generally know...

Coming back to my chat... I was telling him how incessantly I have been putting on weight and how much I am striving to decrease it...He being the usual uncanny self started relating thingz and speaking in Business termz...This is what he had 2 say..

Mr.X: so u have maintained the momemtum
Shilpz: yeaa..(Unfortunately)
Mr.X: if you were a stock i would have invested in you
Shilpz: HUH!!
MR.X: i like stocks which have clear momemtum
Shilpz: Gawd....manshyarannu stocks ge compare madtya (COMPARIN PPL 2 STOCKS??)
Mr.X: hahaha...but technically i think you are in a consolidation phase
you know this is a very important phase
it produces a band
if you fluctuate within this band for sometime and breakout on either side - i.e you either gain more weight or lose weight - then that will be the next momemtum
next direction of move
Shilpz: hmm (soo boring)!!
Mr.X: U know technical analysis says - if a stock maintains its momentum for a long time , then its really hard to bring it down bcoz people would have got used to buying it and nobody will sell it
so in your case
Mr.X: your body would have got used to storing and saving rather than spending it

Well..Wat a KILLING thought isnt it?!!? :) NOT that I agree to it though!! :) lolzz

Watever be the analysis..I will strive hard n make sure I lose some weight,atleast to stamp down the UPWARD MOMENTUM and prove my point !! :)


  1. I was laughing at ur conversation with Mr.X.. well defined in the form of "stocks", so funny!! Indeed a business freak..

  2. Lolz..howz d post!! sumne funny agirli anta :)

  3. Mr X is really a freek I guess ... Well his analysis seems good... Momentum is all wht matters :) .. You Always GAIN

  4. yezz....evrythin about me has a gud momentum..:)if u knw wat am talkin about SUNIL :)

  5. Ley ... Please take back following lines...

    "how much I am striving to decrease it."

  6. Wah..who is this Mr X? Is he a retard , does he have a life!! ..he so seems to have lost it!! What you actually need is the application of Newton's first and second law of motion- which will help you to perform quantitative calculations of your body dynamics which in turn will help you summarize or exemplify its current state..lolzz :-)

  7. @ Karthik - :) Sunnn...I SWEAR i am ;) n i wl show d resultz!!! :P

    @ Vinni - GAWD Vinni... Spare me ...plzz...

    Tech Analysis aythu...iga Body Dynamicz?? R u like gonna use my body for some kinda R n D in all d spherez n subjectz present in dz Universe??

    I think i shuld be preserved in Harvard or Yale universitiz!!! HUH!! ;)

  8. @Vinni - Mr.X is 1 nut case i know....he has sooo lost it man...U need 2 meet him sometime ;)

  9. That was funny.. really gave me a laugh.. i u were a stock., id invest in u ....LOL

    Haiku poetry
