Every moment I am not with you, my heart longs for your talk, your touch, your smile, your compassion and your love. My fingers invariably goes to the phone and calls you. You embraced me with your bountiful hugs of love. You protected me like a father would, his li ’l girl. You held my hand when I would trip and fall. You wiped my tears when I would cry in pain. You laughed, played, jumped in joy, buried in sorrow along with me. You were with me thru peaks and valleys. You were with me when I needed someone the most. You were with me thru my most difficult times. Present in PERSON and in SOUL!!
Every time I want something, I tell myself, Amogh will get it… Amogh will do it…Amogh will deal with it… In my mind there is nothing you cannot resolve or handle!!
You are for me, a Santa Claus, an enchanter, an encyclopedia of all answers, a humble, selfless, honest, larger than life being, a perfect definition of GOD!! You are my strength...Baby!! You are my LIFE!!
I can’t believe I am so hooked on to you!! I can’t believe I am the same girl, much younger, who lived alone in a new country, faced so many hitches before I met you… I can’t believe your love has encompassed me so much that it makes me numb to even barely dream about leaving you and going..
As all these magnificent, lovely moments of you are crossing my head, all I can wonder is just this…HOW THE HELL WILL I LIVE WITHOUT YOU AMBU, my baby!??!!
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