Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My first!!!

Am kinda excited writing my first blog !!! I wantd to do ths like really long ago..bt hadnt gt d rite vibe..n inspiration n time i can say..until today wen one of my frnz (thilak) askd me to visit hs blog n smethin struck!!!beeeeeepppp!!!!al thnx to hm if dz blogz a success!! :)

newayz...wat cn u xpct from my blog????hmmm loadz of picz.(mostly mine)hehe..n stories i luv talkin..n i cn do typing as gud as wel..so loadz of garam masala stories:)...n here n thr a few of my compositionz(poemz)..

so Welcome alll..n keep commenting n giving ur most precious commentz n njoy seein n readin stuffz n thngz(most commonly used wordz)..lol !!!


  1. glad u have started this...hope u keep up wid it...
    will look forward for it everyday..
    luv ya lotz babez..keep up with it:)

  2. thnx seemz..:)i wl do it..i shuld learn to stick on to thngz n letz start wd dz one!!:)Y DNT U OPEN 1 TOO BABEZ??lv ya too ..missin ya..:(

  3. Nice pic and good startup..i am eagerly waiting for the next blogs.. :)..Write loads of them after you are done wit training..

  4. thanx for the comment
