P.S : not intended to any person living or dead...itz my passion to write such poems...!! :)
I am gonna let go off, all dz dirty pain..
All the love is futile.. just everything in vain..
I am gonna let go off, all dz cry...
I know it won't happen...even if i try...
I am gonna let go off, all dz grievance...
Coz it makes life just a bundle of nonsense...
I am gonna let go off, all those feelingz...
Coz in dz bad bad world, they dnt hv any meaning ...
I am gonna let go off d past, GET LOST...
I miss u too, but i will get rid of that fast...
I am gonna let you go...all free n happy...
so that u dnt hear from me...all dz crappy..
I am gonna let go off, all those moments....
the funny,the silly, the craziest of moments...
I am gonna let go off, everything dat reminds me of u...
will chuck them n burn them, but will dat make me forget u?
I am gonna let go off, dz heart...dz fucking heart...
Which dies for you n loves u a lot...
I am gonna let go off ...dz gruesome horrible life...
I knw u wl be happy then...u n ur wife !!!
I am gonna let go off every breath I take...
Guess that is d only mistake till now, I make..
I am gonna let go off myself...
Dz agony of luv... surrounding I, me, myself!!
P.S : not intended to any person living or dead...itz my passion to write such poems...!! :)