All of a sudden I had to start a new routine in my life.. get up at 6.30 am...catch the company cab at 7.30 and reach office by 9..again leave office by 6 in the evening and reach home by 7.30 - 8 pm..This became a very usual boring thing to do...Everybody does it and so did I..
Well, there was a difference...not everybody travelled in ROUTE NO 4 !!! :) YES!!
I did take some time to get into talking terms with everyone in the cab (inspite of the so called 'talkative' gal that I am)...But once I did, there was no stopping me..the difference wasnt me...it was THEM !! Coming to office - It being d most bugging thing on earth was made INTERESTING and FUN..and going back from office - It became even more SPLENDID...after a full dayz work...to relax ...share a joke...laugh your heart out...sing your fave songz..TOTAL BLISS isnt it..Thatz Route No 4 for u...PEACE!!! \m/
Everyone in and about d cab is UNIQUE..Be it our ever changing drivers..or Sujatha Maam'z affection or Shylaja Maam'z stories or Raghavendraz route teaching to all new drivers or Ushaz haunting silence or Kalpaviz naughty natakz or Meghaz sweet words or Shilpaz innocent luking face or Vishnuz dialogues / line maarofying to all galz on d road or Bhaskarz Sangeetha Kacheri or Keshavz never-gonna-be-disturbed-sleep or my never ending nonsense talkz or our daily evening snacks (Courtesy : Bhaskar, Vishnu)...The people in this cab make everydayz travel soo memorable and exciting...
There is a saying which goes something like dz "Itz not the destination you reach thatz important..Itz the journey that you make" ..In the journey of life...this small journey has surely made an impact!! Thnx 2 all :)
P.S : Just 4 fun...plz take no offence :)